We are delighted to be hosting our third group of teenagers from local secondary schools who are working towards their Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Award.

It is a joy to be with this great young people, some whom have returned for another series of Sunday volunteering sessions with us. They are quick to learn the skills of coppicing. They become highly productive at cutting down the hazel, and processing it into the stakes and weavers which they use to create the protective baskets.
As you walk through the area behind the 10th green, you can see the baskets created over the last two years and the different stages of regrowth. We have laid unused branches to edge the path and encourage people to avoid trampling the bluebells that will arrive in spring. We have laid wood chippings on the path which we turned to mud as we worked in the wet autumn conditions

Our thanks to Isobel for once again being our school liaison and volunteering for each of the six 4-hour sessions we do from October through to March. Thanks too to our other adult volunteers; Miles, Steve and Alan.
You will see us on the third Sunday of the month.
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