Dedicated to conservation
We are an informal voluntary group of local residents dedicated to the preservation and management of the woodland within the Batchwood golf and sports centre.
Support us to look after this natural and beautiful environment owned by St Albans City and District Council for the benefit and enjoyment of the local community.
Our volunteers contribute a few hours a month helping with woodland tasks such as coppicing, maintaining paths, planting and clearing invasive plants.
Ancient woodland
Although the land has been shaped by the building of Batchwood Hall, and later the creation of the golf course, surveys have identified many species, including bluebell, wood anemone and yellow archangel which indicate that this in ancient woodland.
Covering approximately 12 acres, the wood is home to at least 20 species of breeding birds, including greater spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, and other species such as red kite and buzzard are regularly sighted around the estate.

Working in collaboration
Friends of Batchwood work in active consultation and collaboration with the St Albans City and District Council, our local Councillors, the Countryside Management Service [CMS], Everyone Active (who operate the sports and golf centre) and other users of the Estate.
We benefit from the support of public donations and sponsorship by Everyone Active who generously contribute to our running costs. We seek to access grants and other services available to local environmental projects.
The Chair of Friends of Batchwood is Roma Mills, who can be contacted via friendsofbatchwood@gmail.com.